CITUK: First of all! How’s quarantine life been going so far?
DB: It’s been.. Oh man! It’s been interesting that’s kinda the only word I can think of but we’re trying to make the best out of that. Just creative wise and trying to stay sane through all of this.. (laughs|) it’s kinda tweedling my thumps and waiting for it to die down but you know I’ve been trying to stay creative and writing and just next step on music and all the above so yeah hopefully by the end of this I’ll have a whole album or something ready for everybody, is what I’m hoping for .. CITUK: Since everyone now is at home, social media have been flooded with people taking up new hobbies, especially with Tik Tok! Have you picked up any? DB: I defiantly have tried to do Tik Tok. I’m kinda failing at it. I’m not that great and all these other kids are like so much younger than me are KILLING it! I’m like ‘oh god I need to learn, I really need to get better at this.’ My brother, he’s 16 and he’s trying to teach me how to do it but for some reason, I’m just not having any luck with it but hopefully I’ll come up with more dances or something like that and try to get up my Tik Tok game. CITUK: Let’s talk about the recent release “ Never Have I Ever.” music video. Which was recorded 6 feet apart! How did you guys manage with restrictions in place? DB: It was pretty difficult, the staff was very little which was ok we managed to do that. But they were very careful, they all had masks and gloves on. They were very sweet and awesome about keeping each other healthy and keeping me healthy. So, we made it happen, we did it with masks and gloves and ended up getting something really awesome out of what we have. I’m very thankful for that. CITUK: What was it like for you recording a music video in this situation? DB: I was a little nervous, I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out. So, I kinda went to it really nervous, to be honest with you. But as soon as the day ended and the more the roughs I got back of what it’ll look like and all that stuff, I got more and more comfortable with it. When the finished product arrived I was like ‘Wow this is what we got out of that weird day!’ I’m so happy about that!. CITUK: Tell us a little more about where did the song title come from? DB: Every song I’m part of I like to be as honest as possible and talk about real stories that I’ve experienced. When we got into the room to write it, we just started talking about life and one of the writers Laura Veltz had the title “Never Have I Ever” and I’m like ‘oh I’ve never heard that before as a song’ and so we kinda started talking about what that might be about. When we continued talking about relationships we’re like ok hopefully this works and so we’ll run with the relationship lane. I’m currently in a relationship and the beginning of it and how it started its kind of what this song is about. I met this guy unexpectedly and he made me feel like no other guy has made me feel. So, we kinda ran with that idea. That’s what “Never Have I Ever” is about is somebody making you feel like you’ve never felt before and its just everything that you know, thought you were strong, you thought you were confident with a guy but it all went out of the window once you’re in love. CITUK: You’ve reintroduced yourself in the second album ‘I don’t believe we’ve met” showing maturity and growing up to the previous release and ultimately so did with a recent single. Where will you go from here? DB: I feel like my music kind of evolved as I grew up. The older I get, the songs and the situations they come with me. With the situations that I’m going through in my life and so that’s how I write and search for songs. If I can’t relate to it or know somebody who has been through it or something like that. Then I can’t sing the song, I can’t cut the song, it has to be a story I relate to, I’ve been through, or I know my fans can relate and my family and friends I think of it that way. With “Never Have I Ever” I think I’m getting a little bit braver with the sound and writing and my honesty will always be there. I’m finding myself more and more and I think “Never Have I Ever” is definitely the most I’ve felt like ‘Ok I’m getting in a groove here’ so hopefully that continues. CITUK: Now with new music when will the next Danielle Bradbury album be? DB: I’m defiantly working on new music right now so I’m really excited. I’ve been writing more and getting more songs. Right now, we’re headed to a direction to find out what it is to be an album or an EP. We’re gearing up for that. So, I guess what I look forward to is an album and hopefully touring and coming back out there and hopefully, I get my number 1 too! I think all of us artists hope for that. I hope to evolve more and more with my music. CITUK: You also recently collaborated with Diplo and Zac Brown on a new song “Hometown” for Diplo’s Country album Diplo Presents Thomas Wesley Chapter 1: Snake Oil, DB: First of all, I was super, super excited to hear that I’ll be doing that. I’m a huge fan of Diplo and what he has done, obviously huge fan of Zac Brown Band and Zac Brown himself. So, a bunch of conversations happened in that situation. I was actually in LA writing and with eventually was going to end at Stagecoach that week or two and in the middle of that it all got settled and agreed I was going to sing on it, we’re like ‘we’re in LA I can come and do the vocals’ and they’re like perfect let’s do that. It kinda all worked out, timing-wise and they were all super cool, him [Diplo] and his producers made me feel so welcome. I genuinely love the song that I was singing on. It was all an amazing experience and obviously my first time working with that world of music, I was so happy to be doing that and it’s super cool that they’ve thought of me for technically his first country album and just to watch it do what it was doing. It was awesome. So, I’m really proud of that! |
Press Release:
Texas born-and-raised singer/songwriter DANIELLE BRADBERY has unveiled her socially-distant filmed music video for her empowering new single “Never Have I Ever” (BMLG Records). Captured on a ranch in her home state with mom Gloria filling in as her glam team, the stripped-down video showcases her flirty and vulnerable sides as she gives one of her most raw performances to date. Director Peter Zavadil hones in on the butterfly-inducing lyrics, penned by Bradbery, Laura Veltz and David Hodges, to bring this epic stunner to life. Bradbery stepped into her own lane with sophomore album I DON'T BELIEVE WE'VE MET (BMLG Records), infusing her story into her songs for the first time – penning seven of the album’s 10 tracks including “Sway,” “Worth It” and “Potential.” Fine-tuning her unique sound since getting her start winning Season 4 of NBC’s The Voice, she has earned multiple ACM and CMT award nominations and toured across the globe with Kane Brown, Blake Shelton, Brad Paisley, Miranda Lambert, and more. Bradbery also recently collaborated with Diplo and Zac Brown on a new song “Hometown” for Diplo’s Country album Diplo Presents Thomas Wesley Chapter 1: Snake Oil. |